S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 6   (9)
Learning the Trade of Character Building“Ye are God′s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:9. You are representatives of the great Master Worker. God forbid that we should neglect to learn the trade of character building. The course to be pursued in this work is not according to the ideas of the world; the fashioning is not similar to the fashioning of the world. Those who enter the work of God without hiding self in Christ will soon disconnect themselves from the Master′s building (Manuscript 165, 1899). (6BC 1087.1) MC VC
Let Christ Direct—In your work of character building be sure that Christ is your director. It makes a great difference whether you are laborers together with God or whether you are laborers together against God; whether it is your highest ambition to magnify God or to magnify yourself and your plans. Christ declares, “Without me ye can do nothing”(John 15:5)—nothing that will be approved by God. Study your motives carefully, and make sure that you are not working in your own wisdom, apart from Christ (Manuscript 102, 1903). (6BC 1087.2) MC VC
A Temple Honored by God and Man—With pure, noble, upright deeds every man is to build. The result of his work will be a symmetrical structure, a fair temple honored by God and men (Manuscript 153, 1903). (6BC 1087.3) MC VC
9-15. Each Man Has His Post of Duty—We should carefully weigh the matters relative to the work we take up. Will this work be a blessing to souls? God has not given us work merely to keep us busy, but for His name′s glory. Many are busily engaged gathering wood, hay, stubble. But this will all be consumed, leaving nothing to prepare souls for that great day when every work is to be tried by fire. Many will find that the work that has occupied their time and attention has perished with the using, and that they themselves have barely been saved, as by fire. (6BC 1087.4) MC VC
Such a result as this is not after God′s order. By God′s appointment each man has his post of duty. The careful, prayerful inquiry is to be made, What duty is assigned us individually, as men and women under accountability to God? And whether our labor be wholly limited to spiritual things, or whether it is temporal and spiritual combined, we are to faithfully discharge our work. Things secular and things sacred must be combined, but spiritual things are not to be hidden by secular matters. (6BC 1087.5) MC VC
Christ requires the service of the whole being, the physical, mental, and moral powers combined. These are to be enlisted in God′s service. Man is to remember that God has the ownership of all, and that his pursuits are invested with a sacredness that they did not possess before he enlisted in the army of the Lord. Every action is to be a consecrated action, for it occupies God′s entrusted talent of time. Holiness unto the Lord is inscribed on all the actions of such a one, because his whole being is brought under subjection to God. (6BC 1087.6) MC VC
No business is to be undertaken, even in ordinary life, if it is corrupting in its influence upon the senses. We are in the Lord′s training school, and He has His own appointed means whereby we may be brought into His service, so that His name may be glorified by the work we do in this world. Many are troubled because they are not working directly for the advancement of God′s kingdom. But the humblest work must not be ignored. If it is honest work, it is a blessing, and may lead to the higher parts of the work. Those who do this work need not accuse themselves of ‘uselessness’ in the great household of God. This is not necessary, for theirs is a work that someone must do (Manuscript 49, 1898). (6BC 1087.7) MC VC
11. The Living Foundation Stone—God will not accept the most splendid service, or the most brilliant talent, unless it is laid upon, and connected with, the living foundation stone; for this alone gives true value to the ability possessed, and makes it a living service to God. We may look back through centuries, and see the living stones gleaming like jets of light through the rubbish of moral darkness, errors, and superstition. These precious jewels shine with continually increasing luster, not alone for time, but for eternity (Redemption: The Teachings of Paul, page 80). (6BC 1087.8) MC VC
11-13 (see EGW comment on Psalm 144:12). Gold of Faith Imperishable—It makes every difference what material is used in the character building. The long-expected day of God will soon test every man′s work. “The fire shall try every man′s work of what sort it is.” As fire reveals the difference between gold, silver, and precious stones, and wood, hay, and stubble, so the day of judgment will test characters, showing the difference between characters formed after Christ′s likeness and characters formed after the likeness of the selfish heart. All selfishness, all false religion, will then appear as it is. The worthless material will be consumed; but the gold of true, simple, humble faith will never lose its value. It can never be consumed; for it is imperishable. One hour of transgression will be seen to be a great loss, while the fear of the Lord will be seen to be the beginning of wisdom. The pleasure of self-indulgence will perish as stubble, while the gold of steadfast principle, maintained at any cost, will endure forever (The Review and Herald, December 11, 1900). (6BC 1087.9) MC VC